
A linked graph of my digital garden a-la Obsidian, possible through Foam.

Digital Garden

Zettelkasten Notetaking System

What is this?

I'm trying to better retain and utilize the information I'm learning by maintaining a digital garden 🌿. All my notes are public and viewable, and my goal is that people will be able to learn some of the things I've been able to learn over the past few years in my higher education for computer science and music.

Where can I find it?

I periodically deploy my notes for public view. You can find the home page here. Some of the topics covered in my notes include:

  • audio topics relating to music technology, electroacoustic music, and electronic music synthesis
  • broad notes on technology & computer science including algorithms, frontend web development, and specific programming languages
  • disabilities in American society, courtesy of one of my gen-eds

For my note-taking tool, I'm using Foam, an open-source alternative to Zettelkasten tools like Obsidian and Roam Research. It's a VSCode extension and uses Markdown as its primary document format, with additional extensions to enable linking between notes.

To deploy my notes, my Foam repository is embedded in a Next.js project template provided by GitHub user yenly, which is hosted by Vercel online.
